Tour Event Series

The WKBF Tour Event Angler of the Year will be determined by adding the scores of each angler’s top four (out of five possible) finishes for the season. Scoring is as follows: 1st Place: 100 pts, 2nd Place: 99 pts, 3rd Place: 98 pts, and so on for each angler who submits at least one fish. Anglers who complete the tournament but don’t submit any fish, will each earn 20 pts less than the lowest earned placement. Registered anglers who do not show up, do not fish, or are disqualified, will not receive any points.

WKBF Tour Event Angler of the Year will receive a cash payout, an engraved plaque, and is automatically qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.

You can sort by any column in this table by clicking the header.

1Dugger, Jordan*988499979347184387
2Davis, James*999859989144559386
3Larsen, Andrew969696959447794383
4Kelly, Patrick9193989303750375
5Dugger, Joshua*6582100949743865373
6McCord, Michael879992898345083367
7Carlson, Jason658986839541865353
8Ruffcorn, Josh658187998541765352
9Henning, Brandon*6585841008241665351
10Roberts, Darrin9309157993400340
11Corson, Christopher6579080813050305
12Smith, William655895578035557298
13Davenport, Kyle949709602870287
14Odeen, Chase*1009209102830283
15Bolo, Constantine*8900871002760276
16Conklin, Dane959008502700270
17Neumann, Willi009784862670267
17Walker, Dan088090892670267
18Burdick, Matthew850092882650265
19Prom, Thorn658390002380238
20Den Boer, Zachary09589001840184
21Reynolds, James09481001750175
22Dugger, Jeff00820901720172
23Torres, Carlos00079921710171
24Mao, Citha09107701680168
25Frank, Kevin00088791670167
26Lundberg, Rachael Delu07883001610161
27Potts, Trey65093001580158
28Holtmeyer, Zachary65080001450145
29Johnston, Zane65005701220122
30Lundberg, Colt*01000001000100
31Forte, Marvin00009898098
32Rivera, Jared97000097097
33Dickson, Kyle00009696096
34Eames, Jack00940094094
35Clark, Daniel92000092092
36Callejo, Patrick90000090090
37Shea, Michelle00880088088
37Turner, Scott88000088088
38Conklin, Lauren08700087087
38French, Eddie00008787087
39Hole, Brad86000086086
39Lunde, Kevin08600086086
39Torres, Robert00086086086
40Werner, Mark00850085085
41Moore, Pat00082082082
42Turner, Scott00081081081
43Kerr, Kris08000080080
44Rosenkoetter, Kris00790079079
45Trevino, Marcos00078078078
46Adams, Julian65000065065
46Knapp, Steve65000065065
46LaGrow, Thomas65000065065
46Litehiser, David65000065065
46Manzanarez, Marwin65000065065
46Middleton Sr., Mark D65000065065
46Middleton, Mark Jr.65000065065
46Resseguie, Steven65000065065
47Day, James00590059059
47Werner, Bryce00590059059
48Huggins, Wayne00057057057
48Tyree, Charles00057057057

Anglers with an asterisk (*) beside their name have qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.

Online Challenge Series

The WKBF Online Challenge Angler of the Year will be determined by adding the scores of each angler’s top seven (out of eight possible) Online Challenge finishes for the season (including the Season-Long 50/50 Online Challenge). Scoring is as follows: 1st Place: 100 pts, 2nd Place: 99 pts, 3rd Place: 98 pts, and so on for each angler who submits at least one fish. Anglers who register but don’t submit any fish, will each earn 20 pts less than the lowest earned placement.

WKBF Online Challenge Angler of the Year will receive a cash payout, an engraved plaque, and is automatically qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.

You can sort by any column in this table by clicking the header.

1Dugger, Jordan*969498969195979976691675
2Mao, Citha*999196100851009906700670
3Dugger, Joshua929292879596939874587658
4Hogue, Don*1001001009796001005930593
5Kelly, Patrick930939294091895520552
6Potts, Trey989095900928505500550
7Rowlands, JR7169889400100835050505
8Walker, Dan09897990999404870487
9Melendez, David099660100979804600460
10Carlson, Jason00879589850924480448
11French, Eddie09666009896864420442
12Henning, Brandon71086660880883990399
13Forte, Marvin0890090088873540354
14Jimenez, James009991970002870287
14Reynolds, James009108609002670267
15Frank, Kevin000009389842660266
16Hicks, Tyler970088000802650265
16Prom, Thorn710009800962650265
17Davis, James097066990002620262
18Hill, Bart000989265002550255
19Weston, Kolby008993620002440244
20Ruffcorn, Josh710086000852420242
21Lebow, Nicholas710089000812410241
22Dugger, Jeff009466000792390239
23Delu Lundberg, Rachael716900000762160216
24Davenport, Kyle00000940951890189
24Roberts, Darrin00000095941890189
25Burmester, Travis95930000001880188
26Odeen, Chase00009391001840184
27Doll, Sheree00000898601750175
27Neumann, Willi00008400911750175
28Shelton, Bryan00008786001730173
29Sanchez, Daniel94000000771710171
30Resseguie, Steven09566000001610161
31Bell, Kevin00906600001560156
31Corson, Christopher00660000901560156
32Nolasco, John00066820001480148
32Torres, Robert00008365001480148
33Erickson, Chase00066620001280128
34Larsen, Andrew00000009797097
35Knapp, Steve00000009393093
36Lundberg, Colt00000092092092
37Alhakeem, Ram91000000091091
38Manciu, Logan00000900090090
39Gunderson, Steven00008800088088
40Den Boer, Zachary00000087087087
40Torres, Carlos00000870087087
42Middleton Sr., Mark00000008282082
42Allen, Andrew00000007878078
43Bolo, Constantine71000000071071
43Milsap, Tom71000000071071
44Fleming, Noah06900000069069
44Frydenlund, Jon06900000069069
44Johnston, Zane06900000069069
45McCord, Michael00660000066066
46Huggins, Wayne00000650065065
46Tyree, Charles00000650065065
47Coulson, Coey00006200062062

Anglers with an asterisk (*) beside their name have qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.