Tour Event Series

The IKBF Tour Event Angler of the Year will be determined by adding the scores of each angler’s top four (out of five possible) finishes for the season. Scoring is as follows: 1st Place: 100 pts, 2nd Place: 99 pts, 3rd Place: 98 pts, and so on for each angler who submits at least one fish. Anglers who complete the tournament but don’t submit any fish, will each earn 20 pts less than the lowest earned placement. Registered anglers who do not show up, do not fish, or are disqualified, will not receive any points.

IKBF Tour Event Angler of the Year will receive a cash payout, an engraved plaque, and is automatically qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.

You can sort by any column in this table by clicking the header.

1Mumford, Michael *1009998989849398395
2Reorowicz, Ozzy *8589099973700370
3Medina, David *909687869545486368
4Setzer, Conal ^0889191963660366
4Wong, Kevin ^969181899044781366
6Toms, Eric ^849085909444384359
7Bordes, Chris839889858443983356
8Dulaney, Butch9495788703540354
9Rosenkoetter, Kris9294838403530353
10Thanstrom, Rick8197820853450345
11Anderson, Travis6008896993430343
12Fletcher, Joseph8967097833360336
13Miller, Troy936757828838757330
14Burgess, Jesse9192570633030303
15Zimmerschied, Dan990969502900290
16Peterson, Justin950080932680268
17Jaime, Victor800088892570257
18Makiya, Mark ^600092922440244
19Carroll, Steve ^005783872270227
20Eames, Jack98009401920192
21Velarde, Zachary97009301900190
22Talbot, Skyler *880001001880188
23Zemke, Kyle *870010001870187
24Miller, Jeremy *821000001820182
25Gasser, Josh ^86000911770177
26Bush, Jonathan ^08786001730173
27Cazel, Casen00081861670167
28Love, Andrew09357001500150
29Hoke, Ryan60057001170117
30Harris, Will * ^00100001000100
31Harrison, Garrett ^00990099099
32Loper, Michael ^00970097097
33Loper, Luke ^00950095095
34Flory, Ryan00940094094
35Carlson, Jason00930093093
36Dee, Calvin ^00920092092
37Potts, Trey00900090090
38Dyer, Antonio00840084084
39Cary, Jim00800080080
40Mallett, Kyle ^00790079079
40Sitts, Michael00079079079
42Bullard, Zane ^00770077077
43Flowers, Joel60000060060
43Pietz, Logan ^60000060060
43Stratton, Dale ^60000060060
46Beavers, Steve ^00570057057
46Bullard, Savannah ^00570057057
46Phillips, Michael ^00570057057

Anglers with an asterisk (*) beside their name have qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic. Anglers with a caret (^) beside their name are rookies in the current season.

Online Challenge Series

The IKBF Online Challenge Angler of the Year will be determined by adding the scores of each angler’s top seven (out of eight possible) Online Challenge finishes for the season (including the Season-Long 50/50 Online Challenge). Scoring is as follows: 1st Place: 100 pts, 2nd Place: 99 pts, 3rd Place: 98 pts, and so on for each angler who submits at least one fish. Anglers who register but don’t submit any fish, will each earn 20 pts less than the lowest earned placement.

IKBF Online Challenge Angler of the Year will receive a cash payout, an engraved plaque, and is automatically qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.

You can sort by any column in this table by clicking the header.

1Christy, Joseph100989899961009910079096694
2Harrison, Garrett96999794100991009878394689
3Andrews, Brad9997991009995719975971688
4Flory, Ryan769696959798969474876672
5Phillips, Michael76010098959494976540654
6Love, Andrew7691718473740795480548
7Thanstrom, Rick070089989695965440544
8Medina, David977092837300895040504
9Zimmerschied, Dan76920960740934310431
10Samson, Scott76949579000854290429
11Drake, Dan00937693740904260426
11Mumford, Michael98957181000814260426
13Jerusal, Mare070717373071574150415
14Cary, Jim7600979400873540354
15Mallett, Kyle0700870970773310331
16Stratton, Dale0709475000783170317
17Butkus, Alexander7670710000572740274
18Bush, Jonathan090088009102690269
19Rosenkoetter, Kris070086000912470247
20Halligan, Jeff009177730002410241
21Toms, Eric760710000862330233
22Beavers, Steve070072000822240224
23Hoke, Ryan007107300572010201
24Eilers, Kimberly070710000571980198
25Loper, Luke00000098951930193
26Loper, Michael00000097921890189
27Zemke, Kyle00092009301850185
28Wong, Kevin76000000841600160
29Burgess, Jesse00000071881590159
30White, Joshua00071000801510151
31Schlepp, Justin07000000571270127
32Peterson, Justin01000000001000100
33Gasser, Josh09300000093093
33Reorowicz, Ozzy00093000093093
35Brodhecker, Steven00000092092092
36Talbot, Skyler00091000091091
37Bordes, Chris00090000090090
38Bullard, Zane00085000085085
39Palmer, Zeb00000008383083
40Adams, Chris00082000082082
41Mallett, Aimee00080000080080
42Bullard, Savanah00078000078078
43Setzer, Conal76000000076076
44Wilson, Dwayne00074000074074
45Fletcher, Joseph00710000071071
46Ayers, Josh00000005757057
46Groves, Jason00000005757057

Anglers with an asterisk (*) beside their name have qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.