Tour Event Series

The WAKBF Tour Event Angler of the Year will be determined by adding the scores of each angler’s top four finishes for the season. Scoring is as follows: 1st Place: 100 pts, 2nd Place: 99 pts, 3rd Place: 98 pts, and so on for each angler who submits at least one fish. Anglers who participate but don’t submit any fish, will each earn 20 pts less than the lowest earned placement. Registered anglers who do not show up, or do not fish, will not receive any points.

WAKBF Tour Event Angler of the Year will receive an engraved plaque, a Next Adventure gift card (amount to be announced).

1Larsen, Andrew40010010010010098
2Dugger, Jordan393989809899
3Dugger, Joshua38873959697100
4Taylor, Nic387097999596
5Mao, Citha385979997092
6Prom, Thorn3726889989293
7Coulson, Coey359969470990
8Dugger, Jeff333078957090
9Phelps, Jasen28999960940
10Davis, James27794920091
11Kelly, Patrick25200906894
12Jackson, John23070091690
13Walker, Dan1890092097
14Gordon, Jamie1860930930
15Van, Chith1840919300
16Davenport, Kyle1627488000
17Huggins, Wayne1610009170
18Burdick, Matthew95000095
18McCord, Michael95950000
19Callejo, Patrick94009400
20Gonzalez, Michael90090000
20Gordon, Jacob90000900
21Gooden, Casper72720000
22Hole, Brad71710000
23Kiser, Zach69690000
23Leonard, John69006900
24Soos, Terry68006800

Online Challenge Series

The WAKBF Online Challenge Champion will be determined by adding the scores of each angler’s top three finishes for the season. Scoring is as follows: 1st Place: 100 pts, 2nd Place: 99 pts, 3rd Place: 98 pts, and so on for each angler who submits at least one fish. Anglers who register but don’t submit any fish, will each earn 20 pts less than the lowest earned placement.

1Taylor, Nic100100000
2Gooden, Casper8080000