Tour Event Series

The OKBF Tour Event Angler of the Year will be determined by adding the scores of each angler’s top four (out of five possible) finishes for the season. Scoring is as follows: 1st Place: 100 pts, 2nd Place: 99 pts, 3rd Place: 98 pts, and so on for each angler who submits at least one fish. Anglers who complete the tournament but don’t submit any fish, will each earn 20 pts less than the lowest earned placement. Registered anglers who do not show up, do not fish, or are disqualified, will not receive any points.

OKBF Tour Event Angler of the Year will receive a cash payout, an engraved plaque, and is automatically qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.

You can sort by any column in this table by clicking the header.

1Hua, Brandon ^*100960100983940394
2Eschliman, William *9797100978948089391
3Allison, Braden*959899899647789388
4McClure, Jason*94095921003810381
5Clark, Daniel9294091943710371
6Pankratz, Kegan8892087973640364
7Burdick, Matthew *9010056838741656360
8Carpenter, Matthew8608695883550355
9Fairbanks, Darryl818856988440756351
10Husk, Kenny0859286863490349
11Sutton, Colin7709890783430343
12Forte, Marvin848785788541978341
13Petersen, Frank ^758689778341075335
14Kraan, Justin ^878387547738854334
15Engel, Brodie ^0917884803330333
16Hammond, Robert5590940923310331
17Masters, Matt5509196823240324
18Walker, Mathew966356857637656320
19Meredith, Mason ^5508875752930293
20Allison, Cody820939302680268
21Grace, Richard ^0635674732660266
22Cashen, Chris ^008180932540254
23Zuschlag, Austin790830812430243
24Murdock, Ashton93009901920192
25Lebeuf, Bobby ^09397001900190
26Melendez, David98008801860186
27Avila, Steve99077001760176
28Sherrill, Eric91840001750175
29Lindsey, Lance00840901740174
30Romero, Mario78009401720172
31Childs, Richard80080001600160
32Salinas, Nick00081741550155
33Dickson, Kyle00009999099
33Loveall, Gage09900099099
34Castro, Mark00960096096
35Kelly, Rick ^09500095095
35Price, Jason ^00009595095
36Comer, Ryan ^00009191091
37Jordan, Travis ^00900090090
38Middleton, Mark89000089089
38Rosenburg, Jordan08900089089
39Litehiser, David85000085085
40Middleton, Mark83000083083
41Mulkey, Andrew^00820082082
41Soliz, David ^00082082082
42Beardsley, Brian00007979079
42Grimes, Josh00790079079
42Griswold, Sean ^00079079079
43Delu-Lundberg, Rachael00760076076
43Marshall, Gregg76000076076
43Odeen, Chase00076076076
44Collins, Josh06300063063
45Moiola, Richard^55000055055

Anglers with an asterisk (*) beside their name have qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic. Anglers with a caret (^) beside their name are rookies in the current season.

Online Challenge Series

The OKBF Online Challenge Angler of the Year will be determined by adding the scores of each angler’s top seven (out of eight possible) Online Challenge finishes for the season (including the Season-Long 50/50 Online Challenge). Scoring is as follows: 1st Place: 100 pts, 2nd Place: 99 pts, 3rd Place: 98 pts, and so on for each angler who submits at least one fish. Anglers who register but don’t submit any fish, will each earn 20 pts less than the lowest earned placement.

OKBF Online Challenge Angler of the Year will receive a cash payout, an engraved plaque, and is automatically qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.

You can sort by any column in this table by clicking the header.

1Melendez, David*70961009798100999875870688
2McClure, Jason*9898869210091979675886672
3Childs, Richard929197879799989775887671
4Meredith, Mason979991947993839573179652
5Eschliman, William1009495868086638869263629
6Allison, Cody9389920788463895880588
7Mulkey, Andrew7059898586088855620562
8Allison, Braden959793938200935530553
9Forte, Marvin705961649187938360859549
10Loveall, Gage9959099920100995480548
11Burdick, Matthew705987847761637457559516
12Childs, Shari084089846196844980498
13Husk, Kenny708183095063914830483
14Carpenter, Matthew915906408590814700470
15Jarvis, Jakob095010090087944660466
16Middleton, Mark700940838163724630463
17French, Eddie70099969998004620462
18Marshall, Gregg00856489890713980398
19Engel, Brodie0000879691903640364
20Lebeuf, Bobby0009088976303380338
21Collins, Josh70598105500643290329
22Avila, Steve0096640950703250325
23Beardsley, Brian009898094002900290
24Jarvis, Michael090009300922750275
25Hammond, Robert088000095822650265
26Castro, Mark900008500862610261
26Kraan, Justin000950086802610261
27Bogner, Cindy085000094782570257
27Kelly, Rick000008892772570257
28Jordan, Travis000888108402530253
29Frack, Emily009007500692340234
30Soliz, David000009263652200220
31Weaver, Mike0590055610412160216
32Natividad, Austin008864550002070207
33Ellis, Cole008464550002030203
34Rosenburg, Jordan0100000001002000200
35Prasad, Shailesh00009600871830183
36Hudgens, Jacob96800000001760176
37Cashen, Chris07900940001730173
38Clark, Daniel08700000731600160
39Lindsey, Lance09200000671590159
40Litehiser, David08200000761580158
41Sherrill, Eric70830000001530153
42Dotson, Nolan00000089621510151
43Martino, Vince08600000631490149
44Jensen, Christopher05982000001410141
45Murdock, Ashton00610000791400140
46Grace, Richard05900000611200120
47Pankratz, Kegan94000000094094
48Dickson, Kyle09300000093093
49Sutton, Colin00091000091091
50Davis, Timothy00000900090090
51Salinas, Nick00000085085085
52Penix, Terry00000830083083
53Anspaughsnow, Darrel00000820082082
54Zuschlag, Austin00007600076076
55Walker, Matt00000007575075
56Middleton, Mark Jr.00000006868068
57Griswold, Sean00000006666066
58Kelly, Stephen00000063063063
59Adams, Josh00610000061061
59Duran, Justin00000610061061
59Hahn, Zach00610000061061
60Ramsey, Brett00005500055055
61Fairbanks, Darryl00000004141041
61Williams, Cecil00000004141041

Anglers with an asterisk (*) beside their name have qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.