KFNW is proud to recognize extraordinary catches by our members in sanctioned Tour Events and Online Challenges. For largemouth bass, any fish 20+ inches qualifies; and for smallmouth bass, any fish 19+ inches qualifies. At the end of the season, Citation Bass Award winners will receive one enamel pin per qualifying year, and per species (largemouth or smallmouth).

2022 Big Bass Citation - Largemouth
2022 Big Bass Citation - Smallmouth

The following fish are all certified HAWG by KFNW.

Citation Largemouth Bass

20 inches or more

Top Citation Largemouth per angler from longest to shortest (Click to Expand)

Citation Smallmouth Bass

19 inches or more

Top Citation Smallmouth per angler from longest to shortest (Click to Expand)

Jesse Burgess (IKBF) 22.75″

Thorn Prom (WKBF) 21.25″