Tour Event Series

The WKBF Tour Event Angler of the Year will be determined by adding the scores of each angler’s top four (out of five possible) finishes for the season. Scoring is as follows: 1st Place: 100 pts, 2nd Place: 99 pts, 3rd Place: 98 pts, and so on for each angler who submits at least one fish. Anglers who complete the tournament but don’t submit any fish, will each earn 20 pts less than the lowest earned placement. Registered anglers who do not show up, do not fish, or are disqualified, will not receive any points. Anglers who miss or don’t finish two Tour Events will be removed from the AOY scoring table.

WKBF Tour Event Angler of the Year will receive a cash payout, an engraved plaque, and is automatically qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.

AOY Ranking for 2024 Season

Click column header to sort the table by column.

1Williams, Chris*^86100100899146686380
2French, Eddie809496949445880378
3Kelly, Patrick7909995993720372
4Hahn, Zach9298830983710371
5Dugger, Jordan915997928642559366
6Potts, Trey*7773919610043773364
6Walker, Dan995587869241955364
7Carlson, Jason965786938341557358
8Mao, Citha*72950100893560356
9Zarate, Junior956581997641665351
10Long, Hong*729979649641064346
11Prom, Thorn858371858741171340
12Dugger, Jeff878582648540364339
13Dugger, Joshua896885649540164337
14Dugger, Lacey728084918140872336
15Henning, Brandon728475907839972327
16Frank, Kevin9851770883140314
16Leonard, John721578877732915314
17Bush, Jonathan7262950803090309
18Glover, Chris7254740932930293
19Moore, Pat7242809802920292
20DePeel, Sage^741569647930115286
21DePeel, Mike721569647529515280

Anglers with an asterisk (*) beside their name have qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic. Anglers with a caret (^) beside their name are rookies in the current season.

Tour Event Breakdowns

1Harrison, Garrett100
2Walker, Dan99
3Frank, Kevin98
4Suarez, Orlando97
5Carlson, Jason96
6Zarate, Junior95
7Cruz, Ivan94
8Larsen, Andrew93
9Hahn, Zach92
10Dugger, Jordan91
11Rowlands, JR90
12Dugger, Joshua89
13Sanchez, Felipe88
14Dugger, Jeff87
15Williams, Chris86
16Prom, Thorn85
17Cary, Jim84
18Treptow, Riley83
19Reynolds, Joshua82
20Amaral, Kevin81
21French, Eddie80
22Kelly, Patrick79
23Armstrong, Kurtis78
24Potts, Trey77
25Linson, Geoff76
26Jackson, Andrew75
27DePeel, Sage74
28Milsap, Tom73
29Briones, Joel72
29Bush, Jonathan72
29DePeel, Mike72
29Doll, Sheree72
29Dowson, Hayden72
29Dugger, Lacey72
29Gaudet, Parker72
29Glover, Chris72
29Henning, Brandon72
29Hill, Bart72
29Leonard, John72
29Long, Hong72
29Mao, Citha72
29Moore, Pat72
29Vargas, Carlos72
29Washington, Djamal72
1Williams, Chris100
2Long, Hong99
3Hahn, Zach98
4Avila, Steve97
5Romero, Mario96
6Mao, Citha95
7French, Eddie94
8Cashen, Chris93
9Sanchez, Felipe92
10Obrien, Elijah91
11Husk, Kenny90
12Milsap, Tom89
13Foil, Tandi88
14Hua, Brandon87
15Eschliman, William86
16Dugger, Jeff85
17Henning, Brandon84
18Prom, Thorn83
19Eubanks, Stan82
20Dowson, Hayden81
21Dugger, Lacey80
22Toms, Eric79
23Zimmerschied, Dan78
24Payne, Isaiah77
25Gaudet, Parker76
26Sutton, Colin75
27Alexander, Adam74
28Potts, Trey73
29Cruz, Ivan72
30Treptow, Riley71
31Allison, Cody70
32Loveall, Gage69
33Dugger, Joshua68
34Mays, Bryan67
35Motherwell, Robert66
36Zarate, Junior65
37Kraan, Justin64
38Samson, Scott63
39Bush, Jonathan62
40Harrison, Garrett61
41Booth, Anthony60
42Dugger, Jordan59
43Jackson, Andrew58
44Carlson, Jason57
45Howell, Dennis56
46Walker, Dan55
47Glover, Chris54
48Reorowicz, Ozzy53
49Larson, Andrew52
50Frank, Kevin51
51Brandt, David50
52Childs, Richard49
53Foil, Ridley48
54Brodhecker, Steven47
55McClure, Jason46
56Sherrill, Eric45
57Carroll, Steven44
58Rushing, Brian43
59Moore, Pat42
60Hittenberger, Shawn41
61Burks, Tracy40
62Marshall, Gregg39
63Hill, Bart38
64Valenton, Jason37
65Hittenberger, Tyler36
66Burdick, Matthew35
66Cayetano, Jedd15
66Comer, Ryan15
66DeLaTorre, Jesus15
66DePeel, Mike15
66DePeel, Sage15
66Doll, Sheree15
66Hylton, Richard15
66Irwin, David15
66Jarvis, Jakob15
66Jarvis, Michael15
66Kelly, Rick15
66Leonard, John15
66Mallett, Kyle15
66Miller, Troy15
66Pankratz, Kegan15
66Quintero, Jason15
66Torres, Carlos15
1Williams, Chris100
2Kelly, Patrick99
3Marshall, Gregg98
4Dugger, Jordan97
5French, Eddie96
6Bush, Jonathan95
7Larsen, Andrew94
8Rowlands, JR93
9Vargas, Carlos92
10Potts, Trey91
11Cary, Jim90
12Sanchez, Felipe89
13Bolo, Constantine88
14Walker, Dan87
15Carlson, Jason86
16Dugger, Joshua85
17Dugger, Lacey84
18Hahn, Zach83
19Dugger, Jeff82
20Zarate, Junior81
21Moore, Pat80
22Long, Hong79
23Leonard, John78
24Frank, Kevin77
25Hill, Bart76
26Henning, Brandon75
27Glover, Chris74
28Avila, Steve73
29Suarez, Orlando72
30Prom, Thorn71
31Treptow, Riley70
32DePeel, Mike69
32DePeel, Sage69
1Mao, Citha100
2Zarate, Junior99
3Moore, Pat98
4Amaral, Kevin97
5Potts, Trey96
6Kelly, Patrick95
7French, Eddie94
8Carlson, Jason93
9Dugger, Jordan92
10Dugger, Lacey91
11Henning, Brandon90
12Williams, Chris89
13Treptow, Riley88
14Leonard, John87
15Walker, Dan86
16Prom, Thorn85
17DePeel, Mike64
17DePeel, Sage64
17Doll, Sheree64
17Dugger, Jeff64
17Dugger, Joshua64
17Howell, Dennis64
17Larsen, Andrew64
17Linson, Geoff64
17Long, Hong64
17Obrien, Elijah64
17Reynolds, James64
17Rowlands, JR64
17Vargas, Carlos64
1Potts, Trey100
2Kelly, Patrick99
3Hahn, Zach98
4Motherwell, Robert97
5Long, Hong96
6Dugger, Joshua95
7French, Eddie94
8Glover, Chris93
9Walker, Dan92
10Williams, Chris91
11Valenton, Jason90
12Mao, Citha89
13Frank, Kevin88
14Prom, Thorn87
15Dugger, Jordan86
16Dugger, Jeff85
17Cary, Jim84
18Carlson, Jason83
19Flores, Luis82
20Dugger, Lacey81
21Bush, Jonathan80
22DePeel, Sage79
23Henning, Brandon78
24Leonard, John77
25Zarate, Junior76
26DePeel, Mike75
27Miller, Troy54

Online Challenge Series

The WKBF Online Challenge Angler of the Year will be determined by adding the scores of each angler’s top seven (out of eight possible) Online Challenge finishes for the season (including the Season-Long 50/50 Online Challenge). Scoring is as follows: 1st Place: 100 pts, 2nd Place: 99 pts, 3rd Place: 98 pts, and so on for each angler who submits at least one fish. Anglers who register but don’t submit any fish, will each earn 20 pts less than the lowest earned placement. Registered anglers who are disqualified, will not receive any points. Anglers who miss or don’t finish two Tour Events will be removed from the AOY scoring table.

WKBF Online Challenge Angler of the Year will receive a cash payout, an engraved plaque, and is automatically qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.

You can sort by any column in this table by clicking the header.

1Rowlands, JR*10010099941001009969294598
2Sanchez, Felipe*99981009798999868997592
3Kelly, Patrick9794989696979667494580
4Frank, Kevin93958910092959465889569
5Zarate, Junior909790959709156090470
6Carlson, Jason95909309996935660566

Anglers with an asterisk (*) beside their name have qualified for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic.

Online Breakdowns

#OC1 BucketmouthPTS
1Rowlands, JR100
2Sanchez, Felipe99
3Dugger, Jordan98
4Williams, Chris97
5Dugger, Joshua96
6Carlson, Jason95
7Cary, Jim94
8Frank, Kevin93
9Potts, Trey92
10Henning, Brandon91
11Zarate, Junior90
12Treptow, Riley89
13DeLaTorre, Jesus88
14Kelly, Patrick87
15Beardsley, Brian86
16Castro, Erick65
16Doll, Sheree65
16Fox, Nick65
16Hernandez, Edgar65
16Hylton, Richard65
16Reynolds, Joshua65
16Roberts, Darrin65
#OC2 Pond HopperPTS
1Rowlands, JR100
2Cary, Jim99
3Sanchez, Felipe98
4Zarate, Junior97
5Henning, Brandon96
6Frank, Kevin95
7Kelly, Patrick94
8Dugger, Jordan93
9Beardsley, Brian92
10Brummett, Jesse91
11Carlson, Jason90
12DeLaTorre, Jesus89
13Suarez, Orlando88
14Reynolds, James87
15Coyle, Jessica66
15Greenfield, Merlin66
15Lebow, Nicholas66
15Potts, Trey66
#OC3 BronzebackPTS
1Sanchez, Felipe100
2Rowlands, JR99
3Kelly, Patrick98
4Moore, Pat97
5Suarez, Orlando96
6Dugger, Jordan95
7Prieto, Mario94
8Carlson, Jason93
9Kent, Chris92
10Henning, Brandon91
11Zarate, Junior90
12Frank, Kevin89
13Dugger, Joshua88
14Vargas, Carlos87
15French, Eddie86
16Ramirez, Martin85
17Cary, Jim84
18Beardsley, Brian63
18DeLaTorre, Jesus63
18Lebow, Nicholas63
18Melendez, David63
18D Middleton, Mark63
#OC4 No LimitPTS
1Frank, Kevin100
2Linson, Geoff99
3French, Eddie98
4Sanchez, Felipe97
5Kelly, Patrick96
6Zarate, Junior95
7Rowlands, JR94
8Cardens, Sam93
9Walker, Dan92
10Howell, Dennis71
10Melendez, David71
10Nolasco, John71
10Sapp, Methea71
10Williams, Chris71
#OC5 Double TroublePTS
1Rowlands, JR100
2Carlson, Jason99
3Sanchez, Felipe98
4Zarate, Junior97
5Kelly, Patrick96
6Cary, Jim95
7Vargas, Carlos94
8Melendez, David93
9Frank, Kevin92
10French, Eddie71
#OC6 Lake LunkersPTS
1Rowlands, JR100
2Sanchez, Felipe99
3Moore, Pat98
4Kelly, Patrick97
5Carlson, Jason96
8Henning, Brandon93
6Frank, Kevin95
7Sapp, Methea74
#5050 Season LongPTS
1Linson, Geoff*100
2Rowlands, JR99
3Sanchez, Felipe98
4Williams, Chris97
5Kelly, Patrick96
8Carlson, Jason93
6Leonard, John95
7Frank, Kevin94
9Dugger, Jordan92
10Zarate, Junior91
11Moore, Pat90
12Cary, Jim89
13Kent, Chris88
14Ashcroft, Tyler87
15Henning, Brandon86
16Treptow, Riley85
17Bush, Jonathan84
18Brummett, Jesse83
19Prom, Thorn82
20Harrison, Garrett81
21Sapp, Methea80
22Dugger, Joshua79
23Potts, Trey78
24French, Eddie77
25Larsen, Andrew76
26Ferry, Adam75
27Davis, Dan74
28Cayetano, Jedd73
29Farmer, Tim72
30Reynolds, Joshua71
31Coyle, Jessica70
32Reynolds, James69
33D Middleton, Mark68
34Eylar, Jackson67
35Roberts, Darrin66
36Doll, Sheree65
37Corson, Christopher44
37Davis, Sean44
37DeLaTorre, Jesus44
37Dugger, Jeff44
37Flores, Luis44
37Forte, Marvin44
37Hahn, Zach44
37Hylton, Richard44
37Taylor, Nic44