2024 Season Long Challenges


The IKBF, OKBF, WKBF, and KFNW 50/50 Season Long Online Challenges are LIVE on TourneyX. You can sign up for them any time between now and the end of the 2024 season.


Thanks to a suggestion from Joshua Dugger, we now have two Big Bass Buy-In Pots in all the Season Long Online Challenges. One $10 pot for largemouth and one for smallmouth. This was one of those suggestions that when I heard it, I said, why didn’t we think of that? Great idea. What do you think about doing this for all other multi-species Online Challenges? Let me know in the comments.


KFNW has switched over to Stripe as the payment processor for our TourneyX tournaments going forward. This will eventually change for all TourneyX tournaments around the globe. It had to be done eventually and we decided now was the time. This change means you can no longer use PayPal as the payment method when you sign up, you must use a debit or credit card. You can still use PayPal for the KFNW website for membership, merchandise, etc. We haven’t yet decided how we’ll be making winner payouts going forward. We might still use PayPal, or we might use another method. I’ll let you know about that before the season starts.



