Tournament Schedule

September 6, 2024

11:00 AM – Prefishing Ends for the Day (all anglers must be off the water by this time)

September 7, 2024

5:15 AM – 5:30 AM – Physical Check-In: Hagerman City Park

  • Anglers MUST check-in within this window. Failure to check-in on-time will result in disqualification. We recommend all anglers unload their gear before and during check-in. Kayaks and gear may be stored on the bank, or near the launch. Be sure to leave room for other people to use the ramp!

6:15 AM – Launch: Paddles

6:20 AM – Launch: Pedals

6:25 AM – Launch: Motors

6:45 AM – Lines In

7:11 AM – Sunrise

1:45 PM – Standings Offline

2:45:00 PM – Lines Out

3:45 PM – Upload Deadline

4:45 PM – Weigh-In & Awards Ceremony

  • Competitors must be present at weigh-in location by this time. Competitors who are not present by this time will be disqualified.

Weigh-In Location: Hagerman City Park

Tournament Details

  • Cell Service on Water: Spotty
    Cellular service may not be available on the water. It is the competitor’s responsibility to find service and upload their fish before the deadline.
  • Launch Type: Designated Launches
  • Registration Ends: 08/30/2024 11:59 PM
    Late registration is limited and subject to an additional $10 late registration fee
  • Off-Limits Period Begins: NA
  • Practice Starts: 09/06/2024 7:11 AM (Launch Time)
  • Practice Ends: 09/06/2024 11:00 AM (Off the Water Time)
  • Identifier Code Released: 09/06/2024 10:00 PM

Launch Locations

All Launches link will show you a full map with all the pins for each launch. Individual launches link will zoom in on that specific launch.

Check-In and Weigh-In/Awards Location:

Safety Notes:

  • An overhead 360° light is required in low light conditions. A high-visibility flag, vest-type PFD, and sound signaling device (whistle) are required on the water at all times. Failure to utilize any of this safety equipment may result in disqualification.

Eligible Water Boundaries:

  • Lower Salmon Falls Dam to the north and Upper Salmon Falls Dam to the south (see diagram below for Upper Salmon Falls Dam boundary)
  • Gold Fork River boundary shown in graphic below
  • Other connected rivers, creeks and sloughs are in-bounds when navigable by kayak from main lake
  • Disconnected sloughs and ponds are out-of-bounds
  • Portaging is not permitted
  • Only public waters are allowed
South Boundary (click to expand)

Tournament Director:

On-Site Assistant: