October 14-15, 2023 – Upper Willamette River

Throughout the KFNW season, there will be several opportunities to qualify for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic (KBC). To learn more about qualifications, please visit the KFNW Rules Standard.
What is the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic? The Kayak Bass Classic (KBC) is an event that will occur every fall, where the top-ranked anglers from all three KFNW divisions (IKBF, OKBF, WKBF) are invited to compete. There is no entry fee to fish the KBC, and every year we will work to grow the payout and benefits of participating in the event. The KBC is a two-day tournament on a body of water that will be chosen by KFNW directors. The location generally rotates between locations in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
If you have any questions, please email kfnw.marvin@gmail.com
The Upper Willamette River
The 2023 KFNW Kayak Bass Classic will be on the mighty Willamette River. We’ll be fishing the upper section of the river, just above Willamette Falls. Our boundaries cover 28 river miles, from Willamette Park in West Linn, to the mouth of the Yamhill River near Dayton. This section of the river is known for abundant smallmouth, including some 20+ inch monsters. There are largemouth in this section as well, usually in the 15-18 inch range. Current this time of year should be mild, with a few small exceptions at pinch points. Anglers should have no problem traversing upstream. You’ll find very different conditions from one mile to the next, including rock walls, submerged stumps, laydowns, overhanging trees, tributary mouths, docks, deep water, and shallow flats. Boat traffic should be fairly light this time of year but be aware.

Anglers qualified for the 2023 KBC:
- Cody Allison (OKBF)
- Richard Childs (OKBF)
- Joseph Christy (IKBF)
- Josh Dugger (WKBF)
- William Eschliman (OKBF)
- Zach Hahn (WKBF)
- Will Harris (OKBF)
- Garrett Harrison (IKBF)
- Brandon Hua (OKBF)
- Michael Jarvis (OKBF)
- Andrew Larsen (WKBF)
- Geoffrey Linson (WKBF)
- David Medina (IKBF)
- David Melendez (OKBF)
- Mason Meredith (OKBF)
- Jeremy Miller (IKBF)
- Michael Mumford (IKBF)
- Kegan Pankratz (OKBF)
- Trey Potts (WKBF)
- Ozzy Reorowicz (IKBF)
- Jackie Rowlands (WKBF)
- Skyler Talbot (IKBF)
- Dan Walker (WKBF)
- Matt Walker (OKBF)
- Kyle Zemke (IKBF)
Qualifying Titles
Kayak Fishing Northwest
- 2022 KFNW KBC Champion: Andrew Larsen (WKBF)
Idaho Kayak Bass Fishing
- Tour Event #1 Winner: Michael Mumford (IKBF)
- Tour Event #2 Winner: Jeremy Miller (IKBF)
- Tour Event #3 Winner: Will Harris (OKBF)
- Tour Event #4 Winner: Kyle Zemke (IKBF)
- Tour Event #5 Winner: Skyler Talbot (IKBF)
- Tour AOY: Michael Mumford (IKBF)
- Tour AOY Runner-Up: Ozzy Reorowicz (IKBF)
- Tour AOY Second Runner-Up: David Medina (IKBF)
- Online AOY: Joseph Christy (IKBF)
- Online AOY Runner-Up: Garrett Harrison (IKBF)
- Season-Long Champ: Joseph Christy (IKBF)
Oregon Kayak Bass Fishing
- Tour Event #1 Winner: Cody Allison (OKBF)
- Tour Event #2 Winner: Mason Meredith (OKBF)
- Tour Event #3 Winner: Cody Allison (OKBF)
- Tour Event #4 Winner: Michael Jarvis (OKBF)
- Tour Event #5 Winner: Josh Dugger (WKBF), Runner-Up William Eschliman (OKBF)
- Tour AOY: Cody Allison (OKBF)
- Tour AOY Runner-Up: Brandon Hua (OKBF)
- Tour AOY Second Runner-Up: Matt Walker (OKBF)
- Online AOY: David Melendez (OKBF)
- Online AOY Runner-Up: Richard Childs (OKBF)
- Season-Long Champ: David Melendez (OKBF)
Washington Kayak Bass Fishing
- Tour Event #1 Winner: Dan Walker (WKBF)
- Tour Event #2 Winner: Garrett Harrison (IKBF)
- Tour Event #3 Winner: Kegan Pankratz (OKBF)
- Tour Event #4 Winner: Trey Potts (WKBF)
- Tour Event #5 Winner: Josh Dugger (WKBF), Runner-Up William Eschliman (OKBF)
- Tour AOY: Dan Walker (WKBF)
- Tour AOY Runner-Up: Josh Dugger (WKBF)
- Tour AOY Second Runner-Up: Zach Hahn (WKBF)
- Online AOY: Jackie Rowlands (WKBF)
- Online AOY Runner-Up: Geoffrey Linson (WKBF)
- Season-Long Champ: Jackie Rowlands (WKBF)
Tournament Details

Tournament Schedule
Friday, October 13, 2023
4:00 PM – Captain’s Meeting – Willamette Park – Wetland Shelter, West Linn, OR
Saturday, October 14, 2023
6:15-6:30 AM – Virtual Check-In
- If angler has cell service, they should use the Virtual Check-In feature on TourneyX to check-in and check-out when launching/exiting the water.
- Regardless of cell service, anglers must take a selfie photo shortly before launching and save it to their phone, with GPS settings. Winners’ launch photos will be checked. Failure to provide a selfie taken before launch may lead to disqualification from the event.
6:30 AM – Launch – Paddles
6:35 AM – Launch – Pedals
6:40 AM – Launch – Motors
7:00 AM – Lines In
7:25 AM – Sunrise
3:00:00 PM – Lines Out
4:00 PM – Upload Deadline
Sunday, October 15, 2023
6:15-6:30 AM – Virtual Check-In
- If angler has cell service, they should use the Virtual Check-In feature on TourneyX to check-in and check-out when launching/exiting the water.
- Regardless of cell service, anglers must take a selfie photo shortly before launching and save it to their phone, with GPS settings. Winners’ launch photos will be checked. Failure to provide a selfie taken before launch may lead to disqualification from the event.
6:30 AM – Launch – Paddles
6:35 AM – Launch – Pedals
6:40 AM – Launch – Motors
7:00 AM – Lines In
7:25 AM – Sunrise
2:00:00 PM – Lines Out
3:00 PM – Upload Deadline
4:00 PM – Awards Ceremony
- Willamette Park – Wetland Shelter
1100 12th St, West Linn, OR 97068
Tournament Details
- Cell Service on Water: Good
Cellular service may not be available on the water. It is the competitor’s responsibility to find service and upload their fish before the deadline. - Launch Type: Designated Launches
- Off-Limits Starts: No Off-Limits Period
- Practice Ends: 10/13/2023 11:00 AM
- Identifier Released: Laminated cards will be handed out at Captain’s Meeting
Captain’s Meeting:
- 10/13/2023 4:00 PM
- Willamette Park Wetland Shelter
1100 12th St, West Linn, OR 97068
https://goo.gl/maps/MyqjoMXQHnkisuXa6 - Bring your Ketch boards
- Attendance is MANDATORY

Launch Locations:
- Boones Ferry Boat Launch (improved)
- Champoeg State Park (no ramp, boat dock only, difficult launch)
- Hebb County Park (improved) – Opens at 6:00 AM
- Molalla River State Park (semi-improved) – (Usually opens at 7:00 AM but we will try to get someone to unlock the gate earlier for us.)
- Rogers Landing County Park (improved)
San Salvador Boat Ramp (semi-improved) – Opens at 6:00 AMThis launch is now out of bounds.- Willamette Park, West Linn (improved)
- No other launches are allowed
Eligible Water Boundaries:
- Main body of river.
- Upstream boundary is the upstream side of the Yamhill River (includes the mouth). Downstream boundary is Willamette Park. Traversing above or below these boundaries is subject to disqualification.
- Connected sloughs and tributaries are in-bounds, as long as they are navigable from the main river via kayak, and within one mile of the mouth of the tributary.
- Disconnected sloughs and ponds are out-of-bounds.
- Portaging is not permitted.
- Only public waters are allowed.
Safety Notes:
- An overhead 360° light is required in low light conditions. A high-visibility flag, vest-type PFD, and sound signaling device (whistle) are required on the water at all times. Failure to utilize any of this safety equipment may result in disqualification.
- If you are displaying any of the known symptoms of COVID-19, including without limitation, fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and/or diarrhea, stay home. If at any time before or during the Event you begin to experience any such symptoms, or learn that you have come into contact with anyone who either has COVID-19 or is displaying such symptoms, you must immediately alert an Event official and withdraw from the Event.
- KFNW has a no refund policy on entry fees, but we will make an exception and issue refunds for competitors who experience symptoms of, or are diagnosed with COVID-19 before the event has been completed. Competitors must notify their Tournament Director. KFNW will not issue refunds unless they are notified sufficiently before lines out.
Tournament Directors:
- Marvin Forte (KFNW)
- email: kfnw.marvin@gmail.com
- phone: (602) 410-1002