Tournament Winners
Lyons Ferry is in the Books. 24 anglers showed up for this one. Colt Lundberg took top spot with a total of 78.75 inches and got to take home $826.50! Michael McCord would take second place and $344.38 with 74” submitted. Nice job Mike! Jim Davis would take 3rd place and $206.63 with 73.75”
- Colt Lundberg – $826.50
- Michael McCord – $344.38
- Jim Davis – $206.63
Three Rivers Tackle Big Bass Winner:
Colt Lundberg would also catch the big bass of the day at 17.25” and take the Three Rivers Tackle Big Bass Winner title, for a total of $328.50 including $258.50 in cash and a $100.00 gift card to Three Rivers Tackle. NICE JOB COLT!
- Colt Lundberg – 17.25″ – $328.50
Gear Drawing Winners
Jim Davis – Major Craft MSC-WJ1701M – 7′ Medium Casting – Worm & Jig Kris Kerr – NRS Fishing Expedition DriDuffel 35L Flint Lauren Conklin – Bogs Footwear $100 Gift Card Brandon Henning – Ego Fishing Kryptek Wade Medium Rubber Net Josh Ruffcorn – NRS Fishing Co-Pilot Knife Black Thorn Prom – RAM Mounts X-Grip Phone Mount with Track Ball Base Kevin Lunde – NRS Fishing Trucker Hat Black and White Chase Odeen – Fear No Bass Neck Gaiter Zachary Den Boer – ZR Customs Tackle Bundle Dan Walker – Renegade Custom Fishing Custom Hard Bait James Reynolds – Robohawk Face Shield Dane Conklin – Hat Saver Kyle Davenport – Trice Custom Baits Soft Plastic Pack William Smith – 99 Strikes Fishing Co Toxic Ridge Worms Patrick Kelly – Three Rivers Tackle Baits Pack
Tournament Details
Friday, May 7, 2021
- Registration Ends: 11:59 pm
Late registration is limited and subject to an additional $10 late registration fee
Friday, May 14, 2021
- Prefishing Ends: 4:00 pm
- Identifier Code Released: 10:00 pm
Saturday, May 15, 2021
- Check-In and Measuring Board Inspection: 4:30–5:00 am
Anglers MUST check-in within this window. Failure to check-in on-time will result in disqualification. We recommend all anglers unload their gear before and during check-in. Kayaks and gear may be stored on the bank, or near the launch. Be sure to leave room for other people to use the ramp! - Launch: 5:00 am
Anglers may launch at any legal launch location, after check-in. - Lines In: 5:15 am
- Sunrise: 5:18 am
- Standings Offline: 11:15 am
- Lines Out: 1:15 pm
- Upload Deadline: 2:00 pm
Cellular service may not be available on the water. It is the competitor’s responsibility to find service and upload their fish before the deadline. - Weigh-In and Awards Ceremony: 3:00 pm
Competitors must be present or in line at weigh-in location by this time. Competitors who are not present or in line by this time will be disqualified. Must be present to participate in Gear Drawing.
Check-In Location
Starbuck / Lyons Ferry Marina KOA
102 Lyons Ferry Rd,
Starbuck, WA 99143
South end of parking lot
Weigh-In Location
Starbuck / Lyons Ferry Marina KOA
102 Lyons Ferry Rd,
Starbuck, WA 99143
South end of parking lot
Safety Notes:
- An overhead 360° light is required in low light conditions. A high-visibility flag, vest-type PFD, and sound signaling device (whistle) are required on the water at all times. Failure to utilize any of this safety equipment may result in disqualification.
- Social distancing of 6+ feet should be maintained at all times. Keep your distance on and off the water.
- Weigh-In Procedures may change as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Masks should be worn when anglers are gathered.
- If you are displaying any of the known symptoms of COVID-19, including without limitation, fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and/or diarrhea, stay home. If at any time before or during the Event you begin to experience any such symptoms, or learn that you have come into contact with anyone who either has COVID-19 or is displaying such symptoms, you must immediately alert an Event official and withdraw from the Event.
- KFNW has a no refund policy on entry fees, but we will make an exception and issue refunds for competitors who experience symptoms of, or are diagnosed with COVID-19 before the event has been completed. Competitors must notify their Tournament Director. KFNW will not issue refunds unless they are notified sufficiently before lines out.
Launch Locations:
- Any improved or unimproved, publicly-accessible launch
- Starbuck / Lyons Ferry Marina KOA (improved) $7 launch fee
- Lyons Ferry State Park (improved) does not open until 9:00 am
- Only public launches are allowed
Eligible Water Boundaries:
- Main stem of the Snake River from Lower Monumental Dam to Little Goose Dam.
- Beyond the mouth of the Palouse River and the mouth of the Tucannon River is out of bounds (see maps below).
- Connected creeks, rivers, sloughs and tributaries accessible via kayak from the main body of water are in-bounds up to 1 mile from the main main body, or as otherwise specified above (conditions permitting for safety and accessibility)
- Disconnected sloughs and ponds are out-of-bounds.
- Portaging is not permitted
- Only public waters are allowed
Tournament Director:
Jim Davis
email: jimdavis40@hotmail.com
phone: (541) 561-1447
- Waiver and Release of Liability Agreement
Competitors are required to complete this form once for the season. - Register for KFNW Membership
- KFNW Rules Standard
- Download and Print Identifiers
Event Sponsors
Payout Bonus Boosters
Thanks to CenturyLink and A+ Bail Bonds, we’re boosting the payout purse for this event by $500.
Big Bass Booster
Thanks to Three Rivers Tackle, we’re boosting the Big Bass Buy-In pot with a $100 gift certificate. You have to buy-in to win!