Welcome to KFNW!

Kayak Fishing Northwest (KFNW) is the Northwest’s Tournament Tour Series since 2016. We operate kayak fishing tournaments in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. We’re independently run by local folks who live and breathe the kayak fishing lifestyle. By working together, we are able to bring more opportunities to anglers in the Pacific Northwest. KFNW is comprised of three divisions: Idaho Kayak Bass Fishing (IKBF), Oregon Kayak Bass Fishing (OKBF), and Washington Kayak Bass Fishing (WKBF). We are dedicated to providing a fun, competitive series where ALL are welcome.

KFNW, IKBF, OKBF, and WKBF host multiple live events and online challenges each season. Some are Sanctioned Tournaments (membership is required, Angler-of-the-Year points are tracked) and some are Opens (no membership required, no AOY points tracked).

—Marvin Forte, KFNW Director


Are you ready for 2024?

The 2024 schedule is LIVE! All events will be on TourneyX soon.

Latest News

  • Road Warrior Rewards
    Due to the date change last weekend, we are going to modify the rules for this amazing giveaway. We’re going to give one entry to each angler who completes FOUR Events this season now, instead of five. That means if… Read more: Road Warrior Rewards
  • Season Longs are Go!
    If you tried to register for one of the Season Long Online Challenges, but couldn’t, try again. Force of habit, I had late registration turned off but it’s fixed. And remember, Citation pins for 2024 will ONLY be given for… Read more: Season Longs are Go!
  • July Online Challenges Revised
    We shuffled the dates for the July No-Limit (pick-your-day) Online Challenges so that they do not align with a Tour Event in the same state. We were concerned that this could lead to prefishing problems if there was no off-limits,… Read more: July Online Challenges Revised

Tour Events

We’ve got 13 Tour Events this season. The second Tour Event of the year for all three of our divisions (IKBF, OKBF, WKBF) will be on the Columbia River (Lake Wallula) in the Tri-Cities area on June 15. This epic event should draw over 100 anglers from all over the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Plus, the Native Watercraft No Limit Big Bass Power Hour returns this year and coincides with the Columbia River Tour Event. Sign up for both events and you can upload your submissions to each.

You can view the full schedule at kayakfishingnorthwest.com/2024-kfnw-schedule

West Coast Championship

The West Coast Championship was founded in 2021. We are again partnering with clubs from Arizona, northern and southern California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington to qualify anglers for the 4th Annual West Coast Championship at Clear Lake, CA in August.

The first three Tour Events per division will be qualifying events. The top 25% of registered anglers who complete the event qualify for the WCC. Alternatively, if you complete any three events in any division, you automatically qualify.

Online Challenges

Our themed Online Challenges for the past few years have been a hit. The goal with these themes is to incentivize anglers to explore new waters, try different techniques, and test the range of their angling skills. These themes are designed to break the tedium, and even the playing field for everyone.

Some of the Online Challenge themes include:

  • Pond Hopper (up to 200 acres)
  • Double Trouble (two-person teams)
  • Bucketmouth (largemouth only)
  • Bronzeback (smallmouth only)
  • No Limit (pick-your-day)

One of the monthly Challenges is a Pick-Your-Day, which is perfect for those anglers that can’t get out on weekends, or can’t get out to fish multiple days in a month. You get to pick the day you fish up-front, within a five-day range. The anglers who fish on their selected day all compete head-to-head, as if fishing the same day.

We also have two special Open Pick-Your-Day Challenges: the KFNW Charity Fish-A-Thon fundraiser, and the KFNW Fall Open; both of which are open to anyone, no KFNW membership is required.

IKBF, OKBF, and WKBF will each feature a Season-Long 50/50 Online Challenge, with a 10 fish limit (5 largemouth, 5 smallmouth) from March through September. The winner of each of these Challenges qualifies for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic in October, and their scores are tracked towards Online Angler-of-the-Year as well.

These divisional Challenges are tracked throughout the season for Online Angler-of-the-Year points. We throw out the angler’s two lowest Challenge scores of the year, then rank the rest against the pack to determine our winner. That includes the monthly Challenges, AND the Season-Long Challenges, so it’s important to fish them all if you can. The Online AOY and Runner-Up both qualify for the KFNW Kayak Bass Classic in October.

KFNW will also see the the regional Season-Long 50/50 Open Online Challenge return from March through October. The payouts for this Challenge in 2021 exceeded $1,100! The more people who fish, the more money will be won.

KFNW Kayak Bass Classic presented by Rogue

The KFNW Kayak Bass Classic will return in October, this time on Dowrshak Reservoir in Idaho on October 12-13, 2024. All the best anglers from all three KFNW divisions are invited to compete in this invitational event. Cash payouts will exceed $5,000, and gear prizes should exceed $3,000.

KFNW Kayak Bass Classic


Kayak Fishing Northwest

Marvin Forte


Idaho Kayak Bass Fishing (IKBF)

Tournament Director
Chris Bordes

Assistant Tournament Directors
Skyler Talbot

Photography Associate


Oregon Kayak Bass Fishing (OKBF)

Tournament Director
Matthew Burdick

Assistant Tournament Directors
William Eschliman
Kegan Pankratz

Photography Associates
William Eschliman
Marvin Forte


Washington Kayak Bass Fishing (WKBF)

Tournament Director
Jim Davis

Assistant Tournament Directors
Patrick Kelly
Josh Ruffcorn

Photography Associate
Patrick Kelly